Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Number Skills in Room 5!

In Kindergarten, there are
foundation number skills 
that are necessary to have mastered by May, in order to be successful in 
First Grade. 

On a daily basis, the KinderKids in Room 5 are 
practicing, developing, and mastering our 
counting, identifying, and subitizing (recognizing arrays by sight, without counting) 
of numbers.  
At home, you could foster this development by counting objects, numbering your grocery list, using apps or online websites, and doing paper/pencil skills regarding numbers.
As I mentioned at the apple party in September, by the end of the year, your child must be able to:
*count to 100 by 1's, 5's, and 10's
*count backwards from 20 to 0.
*write his/her numbers to 100 
(without a chart, preferably)
*identify number arrays from 1-6 
(formations of dots on a dice or on a ten-frame)
*identify numbers 0-20 in random order
*count on from any number between 0-10
*count backwards from any number between 0-10
*add sums to 10
*subtract simple equations

We still have over 140 days of school remaining and it will be my professional duty to ensure your child is equipped and prepared to move into First Grade with these skills. 
 If I have any hesitation, we will be speaking at conferences and throughout the school year about how to intervene and boost the number sense skills.

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