Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Learning to Read!

Over the past 20 days, 
Room 5 has been reading books, retelling stories we've heard, and we've even read our own decodable books (books I can sound out)
For an early reader, how do you read a book to yourself?  Even if you don't know how to read the words, can you still read a book?  What does it look like?  
How do you do it? 
3 ways to read a book are:
1. Read the words
2. Retell a story you have heard before
3. Use the pictures to tell the story
When you are reading to yourself, 
what does it look like?   
*Find a quiet and cozy spot all by yourself
*Choose a book that I like
*My eyes are on the words and pictures
*I try to keep my body still
*I touch and track the words with my finger
*I am building my stamina to keep my body focused.
Good readers, practice their reading, so that is what we do!
at school 
and your child can practice at home.
I am super-duper excited for this "light-bulb" to be turned on and the world of reading to be opened to the KinderKids.
How can you help at home?
1.  Snuggle up with your child and read to them.  
Don't forget to track with your finger and point out those sight words your child has learned.                                          Can your child find the sight word?  Spell it?
2.  Encourage your child to read to themselves.  
Are books out and accessible at your home?  
Go visit the library to put some out for your child to read.
3.  When friends or family come over CELEBRATE your child's reading and encourage them to read one of their paper books to your guests.  
Allow your child to "knock the socks off" your visitor.  This is so important to build confidence.
4.  Always work on letter sounds, letter naming, sounding out words~~this is such a VITAL SKILL for READING!
We will work TOGETHER to make reading a success! 
Kiss Your Brains, Room 5!

Friday, September 18, 2015

Meet Room 5!

We are room 5.
We are friends.
We are learning.
We are smart.
We are cool AND we love school!

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

We're so Cool!

We've been in school for 10 days 
and, boy, it is so cool! 
The kinders are coming to school more awake each day and their bodies are ready to learn.
Please ensure your child is STILL getting  10-12 hours of sleep each night. 
I'm sure you've noticed that they are a bit cranky, hungry, and tired after 6 hours of learning.  You may, even, see a few tears just from exhuastion.     
Please DO NOT worry...
Just give them an extra hug and kiss! 
They are tired.  School is physically, emotionally, and academically exhausting and we need to train their bodies to have more stamina. 
I will say, though, I am VERY impressed with this group!  Room 5 is making, remarkable, progress and every day the transitions go smoother, we're taking more pride in our work, and creating more friendships!
Thank you, thank you for sharing your 
KinderKid with me! 
 I'm loving being their teacher!

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

We are in Kindergarten!

Can you believe it?  
These little munchkins have been exercising their bodies and brains to work on their stamina throughout a  full-day of kindergarten! 
We are busy throughout the day with:
*working together
*making smart choices
As you probably have witnessed, their bodies are quite exhausted AND hungry by 3:30pm.
So...I need your help in keeping to a strict schedule in the evenings.  Please make sure your child is in bed NO LATER than 8pm, as the KinderKids need, atleast, 10-12 hours of sleep.  
You will be grateful and you'll have a much happier kiddo!
Kiss Your Brains, Room 5!