Thursday, January 26, 2012

Snow Centers!

Thank you to all my families who came to snow centers on Monday!  With all the snow we've gotten the past week, it was great timing to have 30 minutes of exploration time with our families!
We made yummy snowman soup, read snow books, estimated how many blueberry candy canes were in our jar, played a dice game to  build a snowman, wrote what we'd like to do in the snow, and created snowmen!
The KinderKids love sharing their classroom with you! 

What memories we have just created!   

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Pp is for PIZZA!

We made little pizzas to celebrate the letter Pp last Thursday. 
Since I have a student teacher, it was an awesome opportunity for me to call  a few  KindKids out at a time and help them.  I LOVED IT! 
It isn't very often that I get to have one-on-one time for 5-10 minutes with my darling kiddos. 
The recipe for these yummy pizzas came home in last week's Friday folder!  Maybe you can make them at home this weekend?

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Check This Out~

Our brains are being exercised
We have been learning how to read  to phoneme blends and digraphs!

Did you know that...

-th says "thuh" like in THINK!

-sh says "shhh" like in SHUT!

-ch says "chuh" like in CHUG!

-oo says "oo" like in BOO!

-ow says "ow" like in COW!

-oy says "oy" like in AHOY!

-ar says "arrrr" like in CAR!

-ph says "ffff" like in PHONE!

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow!

We may not have snow outside, but in Room 408 we have been creating snow projects to help prompt the arrival of some MUCH NEEDED winter weather.

Please stop by our classroom to see all the amazing masterpieces.  I am one proud teacher!

The finished project...snowpeople! 
Are they cute or what?