Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Winter is Here!

We have welcome FATHER WINTER with open arms, as we get into the "heart" of the school year! 
This is the time of year when application of the basic skills we've embedded take over! 
We're now beginning to put our letters/sounds together to read and write words. 
Likewise, we're taking our numbers and manipulating them in story problems, addition, counting multiples. Also, we're doing more geometry skills; not just shape recognition. 
If you're child is struggling to take this "next step," please spend an extra 5-10 minutes EVERY NIGHT reviewing letters, sounds, and numbers 0-20. 
Believe me, if I am really concerned, I will be in contact with you. 
Report cards are mailed out to home addresses on February 1st. 
You'll get current information, including your child's winter DIBELS scores.
I love this group! 
They're motivated, so smart, and BIG goof-balls
We work SO hard in
Room 5! 
Kiss your brains, kiddos!

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Yikes! January Testing is here!

January means we have our 2nd round of reading skills testing! 
Please practice because
the testing team will be here
 to test your child on the following skills:
 Letter Naming                                                                           (Your child's goal is to read 27 letters in 1 minute)
First Sounds                                                                                 (Your child needs to give the FIRST SOUND they hear in words...30 words in 1 minute)

Phoneme Segmentation                                                            (Your child needs to give ALL the SOUNDS they hear in words...18 individual sounds or about 6 words)

Nonsense Words                                                                         (Your child needs to read 6 pretend, 3-letter words they see on the page in 1 minute)

I have such a smart group of kinders this year, but I can ALWAYS use your help at home!
Let's go get them, Room 5!