Friday, December 16, 2016

Christmas OVERLOAD!

The past two days have been
 jam-packed with Christmas festivities.  
We made candy Christmas trees with our families, we found Santa's bells in the room, drank hot cocoa in Santa hats, and we even made bead necklaces out of  the beads that we've earned for making smart choices.


Tuesday, December 13, 2016

My Lil' Rudolphs want to say...

Merry Christmas and 
have a 
Happy New Year!  
Stay warm over the break and we will see everyone on January 3, 2017!

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Santa, Can I please have...

a huge reindeer?

a toy shark?

a Thunder playset?

a Power Ranger?

a toy Santa?


a Pokemon toy?

a scooter?

a black kitty?

Ninja Turtles?

a babydoll?

Lego guys?

a puppy?

a computer tablet?

Frozen toys?

a kitty?

a Barbie Castle?

a Pokemon game?

Pokemon Cards?

a toy puppy?