Friday, September 28, 2012

Display Your Child's Artwork!

When your child brings their work home from school or creates something at home,

As they get older, the steady stream of little doodles and other class projects will start to dwindle. Enjoy their little scribbles and have fun creating your family’s own personal work/art gallery. When visitors come to your home, they can see the schoolwork too and have the chance to ask questions or praise your child again.

Also, that feeling of accomplishment is a vital foundation for a strong work ethic.

Displaying your children’s work is one way we can help promote the joy of a job well done.

You can always slap a paper on the refrigerator with a handy magnet but giving select pieces of school work a special honor can be more rewarding.

Displaying your child’s artwork sends a strong message to your child:

*I value what you do.
*You are creative, smart, or                hard-working.
*Work done well is beautiful.

Show them how proud you are of them!

Here are a few ideas on how to display your
child's work at home.

How do you display your child's best work?
Leave a comment and share your idea!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Please.......Pretty Please!!!!

Can you come to my APPLE PARTY Tomorrow (Friday, September 28th?) 
I want to sing some songs to you and have a yummy apple/caramel snack!
Please, please, please...

Friends Forever in Room 408!

I am sure your child is coming home from school talking about all of his/her friends! 
 Please take a minute to go through the pictures with your child and see if they are learning his/her names. 
How many friends can your child name?

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Apples for Snack!

Today, we went outside for some fresh air and a yummy apple.  Sitting on the grass together was, defnitely, relaxing and a great way to spend 20 minutes talking! 

Each "BRAIN BUDDY" couple was to talk about:
1.  Parts of the apple (stem, skin, flesh, core, seed pockets, blossom, leaf)
2.  What kind of apple is the most delicious, in his/her opinion.
3.  How the apple tastes~
4.  Count how many apples I passed out.
5.  Find the "star" in the core!

This class is so smart!  They were so busy in conversation and they were on task!!  Kiss your brains, Room 408!

We're learning, laughing, and having lots of fun doing it!!!

One of our friends even lost a tooth in the excitment of learning!  How silly is that?

Thank you for all the apples! 
Next week, we're making apple pies, so visit back next week to see more photos!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Mrs. Brennan's Little Angels!

8 days of school are now history!  Phew...our brains are being exercised!  Your child has, most likely, been coming home from school a bit tired and, probably, VERY hungry!  Please be sure to help your child get to bed by 8pm, as he/she needs 11-12 hours of sleep a night to function with the fast-pace of our classroom!

This has been an amazing first 2 weeks of school and my class, no joke, is AWESOME!  I have a group of little angels~~I am loving them!

Thank you for sharing your child with me this year~~~I will be sure to return them 180 days of smarter!

Kiss Your Brains, Room 408!

We've been busy~~come see what we've been doing at our Open House on Tuesday night!  Meet in our classroom at 6:30 for a quick tour~~