Wednesday, February 19, 2014

We Love You!

If you made it last Friday to our
Valentine Concert,
I am sure you could feel the love in room 5! 
The KinderKids were FULL OF  
hugs and kisses for their families and, in my opinion, the families gave it right back!
Room 5 loves singing,
especially to our families! 
Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedules to come and listen to our love songs for you!
Remember, next Thursday @ 12:30pm is our Teddy Bear Picnic and you're welcome to join us until 1pm while we eat with our bears!  Don't forget your lunch, too!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Valentine Concert and Exchange is TOMORROW!

Please come to our room
at 2:30pm
for a few LOVE songs and the opening/reading of Valentine cards.
We are sending you our hugs and kisses~~~we can't wait to see you!
Don't forget
 I need to wear VALENTINE COLORS
(red or pink or white or purple)! 

We're 100 Days Smarter!

Monday was our 100th day of Kindergarten and, boy, did we celebrate!
We celebrated by:
*Creating gorgeous 100th Day Crowns
*Writing what we'd buy with $100
*Doing 100 excercises
*Taking 100 licks of a lollipop
*Chewing bubble gum 100 times
*Sharing our 100th Day Collections
*Wearing COOL glasses
Hi-ho, Hi-ho, 100 Days Ago...
We came to school,
Now we're so cool...
Hi-ho, hi-ho, hi-ho!

Friday, February 7, 2014

100th Day of Kindergarten!

Monday is the 100th Day of school !
Don't forget to help your child:
1.  Find and collect 100 small items to bring to school on Monday.
2.  Help count out 100 either in groups of      1's, 5's, or 10's.
3.  Create a fun way to display your child's 100 items.  (posters/jars/etc.)
4.  Send to school on Monday for our 100th day!

Hip, hip, Hooray! 
Monday is the 100th day!

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Let's Go, Seahawks!

Room 5 sure came to school on Friday ready to celebrate our beloved Seattle Seahawks!  Green/Blue/Silver
could be seen throughout the classroom...
We're crossing our fingers that our Seahawks win the SuperBowl! 
Let's Go, Seattle Seahawks!
Let's Go, Seattle Seahawks!

Snow Centers!

We had an excellent turn-out of families to celebrate the end of January with Snow Centers. 
 Room 5 ALWAYS loves having families into the classroom and this day was no exception.
We read together.
Learned together.
Created together.
Laughed together.
Made memories together.
Thank you to all of you who took a later lunch, left work early, or made arrangements for a grandparent to be here with your KinderKid. 
These special days are for memories and enriching the KinderKids' learning.
High-5's to all my amazing families! 
I, simply, am in awe of the parent participation at Summitview! 

Shine your halos, Mrs. Brennan's Class~
High-5's to all my amazing families! 
I, simply, am in awe of the parent participation at Summitview!