Monday, October 29, 2012

Take a Peak at Recess!

Recess is one of the KinderKids favorite parts of the day.  Not only is a perfect time for the little ones to work on their social skills, but it does help problem-solving skills, patience, turn-taking, and gives them exercise!
Our playground is small, but our little group makes  the most of it!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Spider Cookies!

Monday afternoon was full of giggles, parents, and another memory from Room 408!  Thank you to everyone who came, donated items for the cookies, and helped children who did not have a family member! 
This is a great school family!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Writing Mania!

We've been in school now for about 40 days and our brains are growing and exercising!  We've gotten into the "main content" of our reading program and we're WELL INTO our math with counting and comparing numbers/quanitities.

With all the above areas, writing is VITAL!  We're not only learning how to print each individual symbol of the alphabet, but we're learning how to listen to the sounds to put them together to spell words.  Yes!  We're learning how to may be invented spelling, but it is a key element to learning how to be a fluent writer!

Likewise, with math we're exploring writing numbers/matching sets/tally marks/graph/survey... Phew...we're a busy classroom!

Give us 40 more days and check back to see what we're up to!  You'll be amazed!

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

I see a SPIDER!

We've been learning how to read the words, " I, see, a."  We can now read the words.  Write the words.  Put the words in oral sentences...AND, we can even write a few sentences!  Can you believe it?  We're learning so much!

Since October is all about spiders in Room 408, we took a silly sock spider and pretended it was using it's dragline to come see us.  Check out our silly faces for: 

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

What a Blast! Apple Party Fun...

Last Friday was our MUCH ANTICIPATED Apple Party in Room 408!  We had 22 of 25 KinderKids represented by a family member!  WOW!  That is an amazing amount of parent support for our lil' darlings! 
Thank you to everyone who came, laughed, ate a snack, and helped donate items to share!

I look forward to having more family activities in our room and for all of you to get to know your child's peers a little better!

Room 408 is such a loving atmosphere!  Thank you for sharing your child with me!