Our classroom was OVER-JOYED with giggles, smiles, and excitement.
We will spend the next 28 daysobserving, recording, and evaluating
the miracle that will soon transpire,
as we watch the changes occur.
We moved each caterpillar into their own cup, gave each a scoop of mallow plant (blended),
and put a leaf at the top of the cup (a tissue),
recorded our observations in our science notebooks,
and used our hand-lenses to observe.
As the next few weeks go by, we'll witness an enormous amount of growth and molting of old skin, as the caterpillar prepares to make a chrysalisto sleep in before emerging as a butterfly.
Please come and in and see them.
I know your child would LOVE to share!
*We're showing you how the caterpillars move on their TRUE LEGS, but they have PROLEGS in the back, too!