Thursday, May 30, 2013

Hip-Hip, Hooray! First Grade is only days away!

As of today, I have 9.5 days of school left
with my little darlings! 
I am saddened by the thought of having to "share" them with another teacher! 
I, truly and honestly, have the BEST group of KinderKids this year! 
 They are sweet, eager to learn, fun-loving, caring, hard-working, and so thoughtful to everyone around. 
Thank you for sharing them with me...
it has been one of my best years!
With that in mind, we only have 9.5 days to finish things in Room 408! 
It is VITAL that your child bring his/her backpack to school these last few days. 
Projects will be coming home/old workbooks/etc. and they will need something to carry it home in, please!
Lastly, I have been telling the class that if we empty our "warm and fuzzy" jar, we'd have a glow-in-the-dark dance party on the last day of school.  It looks like it is going to happen, but I will need your help supplying some
glow-in-the-dark sticks/necklaces/bracelets. 
The local DOLLAR STORES sell them...if you could send a few packs, I'd sure appreciate it!  See me for more details.
Let's make the most of our last days!

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Down on the Farm!

All my Room 408 cowboys, cowgirls, and farmers are busy
creating, writing, exploring, investigating, and problem-solving about farm animals!
These last few weeks will be full of cross-curricula activities and lessons that open the KinderKids eyes to farming and agricultureSince we do live in the Yakima Valley, which is so rich in farming, it only makes sense to expose these curious 5 and 6 year olds to the land around them.
Stop by our little Barnyard to see some adorable animals that have been painted, a geometric quilt that is hanging in the hallway, and to see some of our writing samples! 
Down on the Farm is
where we want to stay!
Moo!  Oink!  Baa!  Peep!  Cluck!

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Bye-Bye, Butterflies!

After about 28 days, we have witnessed    3 of the 4 stages of a butterfly's life cycle
 It was amazing to watch the excitement and joy of the KinderKids as they studied/evaluated/explored
the science of it all. 
Can your child tell you the 4 stages? 
Are they using scientific terms? 
What is the name of the plant that caterpillars eat? 
What does a butterfly eat? 
 How does a butterfly eat?
We had a celebration on the day we said, "Goodbye" to our butterflies! 
 As sad as Room 408 was to see them leave our classroom, we knew they would love the wildlife sanctuary on the side of Whitney Elementary. 
There's a butterfly on this child's finger.  Look closely! 
Please stop by and see if any of our butterflies are still enjoying their new habitat.
Bye-Bye, Butterflies! 

**Song to sing to the tune of Up on the Housetop:
First comes a butterfly that lays an egg.
Out comes a caterpillar with many legs.
Oh, see the caterpillar spin and spin.
A little chrysalis to sleep in.
Oh, oh, oh...wait and see.  Oh, oh, oh...wait and see.
Out of the chrysalis, my-oh-my!
Out comes a beautiful BUTTERFLY!

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Eric Carle's is our Favorite Author!

Since April, our classroom has been learning more about Eric Carle,
a famous author and illustrator.  We've read MANY of his books and studied how he does his illustrations. 
Your child can probably tell you facts about Eric Carle, too. 
*What are some stories he's written?
*How does he illustrate and what materials does he use?
*What does he write about?
*Are his stories fiction or nonfiction? 
*How does he make his pages unique? 
*What is your favorite Eric Carle story?
Likewise, we've created some art projects revolving around Eric Carle's most famous story, The Very Hungry Caterpillar
They are hanging in the classroom and, boy, they are adorable pieces of art!
Plus, if you haven't stopped into our building lately, please do so~~your child has written and illustrated their own story inspired by Eric Carle. 
You'll be amazed at their masterpieces!!! 
I am such a proud teacher...
they thought of a
character(from nature), illustrated, and wrote their own words! 
Please visit his webpage.