Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Caterpillar Update!

I'm sure your child has been coming home telling you (maybe more informing you) on the stages of our caterpillars. 
As of last week, our baby larva (caterpillars) were eating their mallow (food) and had molted 2 or 3 times.
Over the weekend, our caterpillars really were busy eating and resting.  They grew much longer and began to outgrow their little habitats.  This is the sign they are close to making a chrysalis!
Well, Tuesday (April 23) we came to school and most of our larva had made their silk buttons at the top of their cups to attach themselves and hang upside down in a J-shape.  This is one of the last steps before they make their chrysalis and go into the pupa stage.  YAY!!!!
Now today, we have about 6-10 chrysalis and the remainder are hanging in their J-shape about to make their chrysalis! 
Room 408 is more than excited! 
Please check back next week...we may have adult butterflies
 We cannot wait, but for right now, we're in our chrysalis and going through a BIG CHANGE (metamorphosis)!

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