I am Thankful for…
How much Aiden loves to learn.
Sophia’s beautiful smile.
Zandyr’s interest and growth in number clubs.
When Lorelai gives me a thumbs up and wink.
How much Ava loves to do quality work.
Teegan’s leadership abilities.
Lucas’ detailed drawings and creativity.
Mike’s ability to make everyone smile.
How Elise is a responsible role model.
Wesley’s growth in writing.
Brianna’s effort and ADORABLE curly hair!
Maya’s sweet nature.
How Lazandra’s loves math and Reading!
The way Claire can stretch out sounds in words to read & write them.
Izabella’s loving spirit.
Emma’s stories about her family and trips she has had.
Reign’s love of books and reading.
Guadalupe’s warm hugs.
The way Floyd the Frog makes everyone in Room 5 giggle.
Mrs. Brennan