Friday, March 29, 2013

Shape Monsters!

This week, we've been madly creating our
which applies our knowledge of geometry! 
It was the KinderKids jobs to:
1.  Plan what shape their monster should have.
2.  Use a variety of curved edge/straight edge shapes.
3.  Ensure their monster had a head/addomen/arms/legs.
4.  Tally up the geometric shapes.
5.  Graph how may shapes used.
6.  Share with families/friends.

I'm one proud teacher~~ 
the KinderKids took such pride in the making of them! 
Kiss your brain, Room 408!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Squares, Triangles, and Rectangles...Oh My!

Make a shape, build a block! 
That is the name of our new math unit!  We've been studying 2-d and 3-d shapes, too! 
The focus this month is on:
*edges (straight edge or curved edge)
As you can tell, Kindergarten has changed!  We have higher expectations in math and the kids are absorbing it!  They are little sponges! 
 Your child has been exploring shapes/angles/edges to create pattern block puzzle pictures, as well as making straight/curved edges to manipulate  
rubber-bands on  geo-boards.
We've, also, taken shapes to turn them into a picture which helped us notice that
Here's our motto this month:  
 Can we build it?  Yes, we can! 
We're loving shapes!


Thursday, March 14, 2013

Happy Classified Week!

Mrs. Monter and Mrs. Solorio were celebrated this week for
 "Classified Week." 
We sang a song to thank them and
we gave them special gifts!
They are our lovely    
para-professionals who help us:
eat our lunch
stay safe outside
make smart choices
with reading tests
get to the busses safely
and they always help Mrs. Brennan!

If you see one of these lovely ladies, please stop them and thank them!  

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Oh my goodness!

What if...
You opened a book about dinosaurs
And one stumbled out
And another and another
And more and more pour out
Until the whole place
Is bumbling and rumbling
And groaning and moaning
And snoring and roaring
And dinosauring?

You tried to push them back inside
But they kept tromping off the pages instead?
Would you close the covers and hide your head?
Poem by: Isabel Joshlin Glaser