Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Next Stage for our Caterpillars is...

Spinning their Chrysalis, which is a little house they build around themselves as they go through metamorphosis.
Our caterpillars make a "J" shape and then attach themselves to the lid of the cup.  Once that is done, they beginning making their chrysalis.  They will stay inside for 10-14 days until they emerge.

WOW!  It's an amazing process!      
We've been busy observing and studying and our brains are sure growing as we exercise it!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Our Caterpillars Arrived!

Last Wednesday, a package arrived and in it was 30 painted lady caterpillars.
We moved them into individual cups, full of blended up MALLOW PLANT, which is a favorite amongst the caterpillars.

Now, we observe as they will eat, molt, eat, molt...eventually, they'll hang in a "J" shape to form their chrysalis.
After 10-14 days, they'll emerge as a beautiful butterfly.
Currently, we're learning the body parts of a caterpillar.  Do you know that they have 6 true legs and 10 prolegs?  This is how they move:
We'll update you more, as we learn more about the life cycle of a painted lady butterfly! 
Stay tuned...

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Eric Carle

Our current Author Study for April/May

is the fantastic

Eric Carle!

This man has written over 40 children's books all revolving around nature. 
Room 408 is in LOVE with his books!
Thus far, we've read just
The Very Hungry Caterpillar,
but we have many more to come.

On Tuesday, we painted, cut, and created our own very hungry caterpillars.
They are adorable!
Come see them hanging in our room!

We, even, created and sequenced the order of the food that the caterpillar ate before he turned into a beautiful butterfly!

Come to room 408 and see our masterpieces!
WE're quite the artists!